Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's Over

Yesterday was possibly the saddest day of my life. No one is ever good at saying goodbye, but on Saturday, barely anyone could get the words out.
When I woke up, I just had a heavy feeling in my stomach that wouldn't go away. Packing up the room was really hard, not just because Annie and I had a lot of stuff, but because our room had basically become home. That morning was a mess, since our house parents had to check each room to make sure everything was gone and we hadn't forgotten everything.
After putting our suitcases in our study hall room, Annie and I went to Starbucks one last time, getting our usuals. We were stalling, since we wanted to spend as much time as possible in the hotel. Then, we walked, for the last time as Senate Pages, to the Capitol. I filmed the walk, since even though the walk was only about ten minutes, we had made a lot of good memories on that walk alone.
We didn't go to our usual page room, but Senate Room A, a place where committees take place, and also the room where I had my first committee. Some people were already crying, and the whole morning had a sad/happy feeling to it.
I'll admit, I cried about 3 times, even before graduation had started.
Then graduation came, and next thing I know, it's all over.
Mrs. Schaar, the Clerk of the Senate, gave us a nice departing speech which brought my friend and I to tears, and then while Senator Obenshain read the resolution we all came up with, be laughed so hard our tears were forgotten. Our parents were up in the gallery, watching and filming the moments, and just by their faces, they looked like the proudest parents on earth.
After graduation, we all headed back to Senate Room A so our parents could pick us up. That's where the tears started. I didn't want to leave, over the past 7 weeks, all the kids that I had met had become an important part of my life.
I don't know how to describe the page program. All I can say is it truly changed my life and I will never forget it.

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